New York Comic Con 2008
Nós os 4, do ido estúdio da Bica { Ricardo Venâncio, Ricardo Tércio, Nuno "Plati" Alves e eu } vamos estar na Artist's Alley da New York Comic Con deste ano { mesas F7 a F10 }. Connosco, estarão também Rui Lacas e Jorge Coelho, do nosso novo estúdio, bem como o realizador Paulo Prazeres, da Droid-I.D a documentar a experiência.
The 4 of us, from the former Bica studio { Ricardo Venâncio, Ricardo Tércio, Nuno "Plati" Alves and me } will be at this year's New York Comic Con's Artist's Alley { tables F7 to F10 }. With us, will be Rui Lacas and Jorge Coelho, from our new studio, as well as Paulo Prazeres, from Droid-I.D documenting the experience.
Fico à espera dos relatos!
Beijinhos B.
Que novos caminhos se abram para cada um de vós. Boa sorte! (Só precisam mesmo de sorte porque talento já vocês têm.)
Hey Joao,
You're going to be at NYCC! I'm going also, I'll stop by and say hi!
Boa viagem a toda a comitiva um abraço especial ao Lemos já que como se Touro sou praticamente vizinho dos Sete Estrelos...
Nuno Rodrigues
Um abraço e boa viagem LEMOS
Sabias que Sete Estrelo é vizinho de Touro.???????????????
Boa Viagem! não me queres levar contigo, não? para documentar =P
Depois conta como foi!
Heya Joao! : )
Hope you guys had fun in NY!!!
Unfortunately I had to cancel this trip for me, but I am sure we will get to hangout next time! XD
Maybe in SDCC?
Take care bud,
Philip Tan
very good to meet you Joao!
I hope your wrist has recovered from the weekend!!!
Best wishes for a safe journey home (if you are not home yet already)
» Billy
ei, mocinha. Conto mal assimile, sim? Obrigado por andares por aí.
» Vizinha
Ei, boa sorte por aí, para ti,também.
Espero que esteja tudo bem.
» Scott
Always a pleasure. Hope you and Michelle had a safe trip back home.
Take care
» Nuno
Touro e 7*? Univitelinos.
» Catarina
Ei, menina. Estás melhor? Temos de marcar um encontro com relato. Beijo ( e um abraço ao Pedro )
hey, according to Newsarama, the news that kept you away were more than good. I'm really happy for you and I'm sure you will make a great job. Still don't know about SDCC but would love to.
Hey, David!
Writing from home, safe and sound. I absolutely love the drawing you gave to me. As soon as I finish yours I will mail it to you. Hope I can have the honour and the pleasure of talking to you again soon.
Take care.
And definitely let me know if you do attend SD ok? : )
By then I shoul b e able to talk about colors in our art.. it's one of the things I know I suck at big time XD Now I try to at least consistent paint a few whenever I can to practice... I have it in my blog XD Here's hoping I do keep up the updates with my sched -__-
TC Joao,
My man!
Where are you:(??!?!?
It was an honour to meet you for me and Fabiana!!!
We miss you badly!!!!
Thank you Jo...for the great experience.
All the best, and I'm sure I'll see you with a bigger smile, and without clouds over you.
Much love
Hey, Phil
I like what your blog promises and I know it won't take long for your colours to match your drawings.
We're about to see a really exciting new chapter of your career and I'm so proud of you, man.
Fabi wrote me your cell number but for the life of me I can't find any mail of yours in my notes. Send it to mine, please. I went over your whole blog ( and your whole blog went into my computer's "Stefano" folder ) and I just want to see more - love the more cartoony stuff too, you know?
Literally an hour ago, me and Nuno were talking to a friend at a comic book shop and we both commented that meeting you two was deffinitely the highlight of the event.
I have to thank you two for punching some holes on those clouds. Send my love to Fabi but do keep half of it to yourself, ok?
Já sei que fizeste furor em NY..caramelos e afins:-)..aprecio muito o teu trabalho e tens de facto um enorme talento..beijinhos Leonor..mamma do Filipe:-)
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