

Cores por / Colours by :
Christina Strain


Scott Sackett said...

Shiki looks incredible! Of all the stuff CB is working on, this is the one I am the most looking forward to.

joão m. p. lemos said...

Hey, Scott. This is not the first time I read nice things about Shiki from you and I thank you for it.
I really hope it becomes something worth of your long wait.

Scott Sackett said...

I also liked the story you and CB did in the ACTOR book.

I really like your art, you have a really nice style and I think this looks like a really interesting book.

Shiki is the project from CB I am really looking forward to.

Are you working on anything else I should look for?

joão m. p. lemos said...

Oh, "Dance". That's actually one of the first opinions that I have had from that short. That was fun, despite the fact that I can barely look at some of the pages. I do like a few panels, though.

Well, right now I'm working on C.B.'s Avengers - Peter Pan hybrid story for Avenger's Fairy Tales #1. My friend Ricardo Tércio is working on a Little Red Riding Hood for Spider-Man's Fairy Tales, but you must have seen his concepts on Chesterfest, by now. If you haven't, look for them and check his portfolio at http://www.shannonassociates.com/artists/index.cfm?page_num=2&artist_name=RICARDOTERCIO&large_num=9&highlight=1
Thanks again, Scott. Do return.

Scott Sackett said...

I'll keep an eye out for the Avengers book as well as looking here for new stuff.

Sorry to monopolize your blog!

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Trabalho Excelente!Consigo adivinhar cada traço teu... Adoro os detalhes...A Shiki é LINDA!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, João! Shiki is looking amazing, and I really love Christina's colour job! When are you (Marvel) going to release the books? How many will there be? Cheers!