

História curta de duas páginas, publicada pela Bedeteca de Beja no 5º número da antologia 'Venham + 5'
2 Page short story, published by the Bedeteca de Beja on the 5th issue of the ' Venham + 5' anthology.

Tinta da China
Indian ink


English translation »




page 1
There was once a day when the great mathematician Bhāskara
the horoscope of his daughter, Lilavati.
The stars said that if the marriage of Lilavati didn't happen on the
most auspicious of all hours, the mathematician's daughter
be, soon, a widow.

Bhāskara ordered then that the exactitude of the hour was to
be assured
by the most precise water-clock of all India

page 2
However, while waiting for the right hour, the bride Lilavati
bent over
the waters of the clock, trying to guess how much
waiting time was
still ahead.
It was then that something happened. Without anyone
the hour went by, and with it, the groom's longevity was gone.

At night, someone said that a pearl is something perfect that an
oyster does with what hurts her inside.




Kunta é a primeira obra de ficção produzida pela Blablabla Media, realizada por Ângelo Torres { European Film Promotion's 2004 Shooting Star } e com Direcção de Fotografia de Carlos Isaac, tendo a escrita do guião cabido a ambos.
Em 2007 , tive a honra de poder desenhar o story-board e alguns esboços conceptuais, durante a minha estadia na base da Blablabla, em Madrid. Já este ano, trabalhei no grafismo do genérico e dos objectos de promoção, em colaboração com a designer Vera Sacchetti.
Kunta terá a sua ante-estreia no dia 20 de Maio, às 21:30, na Sala Dr. Félix Ribeiro.

Kunta is the first fiction film produced by Blablabla Media, directed by Ângelo Torres { European Film Promotion's 2004 Shooting Star } with Cinematography directed by Carlos Isaac, the script being authored by both.
In 2007, I had the honour of drawing the story-board and some conceptual sketches, during my stay in Blablabla's base in Madrid,Spain. This year, I worked on the graphic design of the credits and promos, in collaboration with the designer Vera Sacchetti.
Kunta's pre-opening will be at Cinemateca Portuguesa on May, the 20th, at 9:30 pm, in the Dr. Félix Ribeiro screening room.

Fotos de / Photos by: Guillaume Pazat, Kameraphoto

IV Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada de Beja

IV Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada de Beja
{ IVth International Comics Festival of Beja }

do press-release original »
Um turbilhão de mil imagens…
Nos dias 10 e 11 de Maio estarão em Beja os autores DAVE MCKEAN (Inglaterra), DINIZ CONEFREY, FILIPE ANDRADE, FILIPE PINA, FRANTZ DUCHAZEAU (França), GIPI (Itália), JOÃO LEMOS, MARTIN TOM DIECK (Alemanha), NUNO SARAIVA, OSVALDO MEDINA, PEDRO LEITÃO, PEPEDELREY, SUSA MONTEIRO, e TERESA CÂMARA PESTANA e ainda os autores do colectivo TOUPEIRA, entre muitos outros!

A exposição dos originais do Avengers Fairy Tales #01 está na Casa da Cultura.

from the original press-release »
A whirlwind of a thousand images...
The IV International Comics' Festival of Beja, Portugal opens on the 10th of May, 3.00 pm, at Casa da Cultura. During the weekend the following authors will be in Beja: DAVE MCKEAN (England), DINIZ CONEFREY, FILIPE ANDRADE, FILIPE PINA, FRANTZ DUCHAZEAU (France), GIPI (Italy), JOÃO LEMOS, MARTIN TOM DIECK (Germany), NUNO SARAIVA, OSVALDO MEDINA, PEDRO LEITÃO, PEPEDELREY, SUSA MONTEIRO, and TERESA CÂMARA PESTANA as well as the authors of the TOUPEIRA collective, among many others!

The exhibition of the Avengers Fairy Tales #01 originals is on Casa da Cultura.